05 квітня, 2017

Stranded On a Desert Island

English Teacher:
Lesson Title:
Number of students:
Olena Holovach
Stranded On a Desert Island

Lesson Goal:
Students will develop integrated skills to communicate about survival skills and techniques when stranded on a desert island.
Lesson Objectives:
By the end of this lesson, student will be able  to
·                           prioritize steps to be taken for survival;
·                   justify their choices when having to choose a limited number of items for survival;
·                  design a survival plan using a prioritized to-do list.
Real-life castaway survivor: Where is he now?

Knee Deep Lyrics - Zac Brown Band Ft. Jimmy Buffett

Teacher action
Student action
Materials/equipment needed
Time needed
(total: 45 min)
Introduction/Warm up
1)     1) Motivation. Warm up.
The teacher asks Ss to quickly look at the poster pinned on the board and guess the topic.
Students look and answer.
Poster on the board
(3 palm trees on islands)
2 min
2) Vocabulary brainstorm. Pair work.
To encourage the students and prepare them to learn by stimulating their minds the teacher has them play a warm-up game.
In pairs, Ss have to quickly say as many words related to the required category as they can.
e.g. Teacher for Pair 1: Objects you need on a desert island.
Pair 1. A knife, a hook, a net, a sleeping bag….
Teacher for Pair 2: Qualities that you have to possess to survive.
Pair 2.: Strong, brave, courageous, patient…..

i)       The teachers says a category for each pair and student quickly, one after the other, say words related to this category. 

·        No materials are needed
    6 min
3) Viewing a video.
Pre-viewing  activity.  
The teacher asks if the students have ever heard of real castaways. Then, the teacher offers to watch a short video about a real castaway. The teacher hands out worksheets with questions, which students have to answer while watching the video.
While-viewing activity.
The teacher has students answer the questions.

Post-viewing activity.
The teacher has Ss prioritize the categories “Safety”, “Food”, “Shelter” and “Water”.

Students watch a video and choose the correct answers.  Then, they read their answers aloud and briefly say what helped the castaway to survive. 
1.   Salvador spent … adrift in the Pacific Ocean.
a) more than a year
b) less than a year
c) a year
2. He and one more crew member were lost ….
a) in a rainforest
b) at sea
c) on an island
3. The biggest challenge was …. .
a) the thirst
b) the hunger
c) sharks
4. They caught fish using … .
a) fishing lines
b) hooks
c) their hands
5. Salvador …
a) cried a lot
b) never lost his faith
c) hated his life
Students put the categories in order of importance. Suggested Ss’ answers:
         video, computer/laptop, television,
6 min
1)   “Choosing the right items” problem-solving task.
      Group work.

T.: Imagine that you and your classmates are on a cruise sailing   somewhere in the Caribbean Sea. You feel relaxed, enjoying the sun and singing a song.

All of a sudden, there is a storm and you are shipwrecked, your ship is destroyed.
Luckily, you’ve managed to get to a nearby island, which is uninhabited. Actually, there are three islands – a banana island, a mango island, and a coconut island. Pick out a badge and stick it to your shirt (mangoes, bananas and coconuts).The picture you have chosen means you live on  the banana/mango/coconut island.

The storm has destroyed almost everything in the ship but a small rucksack and a few items. You have only a few minutes to take 4 things to help you survive. Choose wisely. Here are pictures of items. Consider the question:
• Why are these four items important to help you survive?


Students sing the song “Knee Deep”.

Students pick pictures.

Students form 3 groups.

Students choose items and stick them to their rucksack.

Groups present their choices.

       song “Knee Deep”,

pictures (mangoes, bananas and coconuts),
pictures of items for survival,
a paper rucksack,
a stick of glue

9 min

(2 min – singing a song,
2 min –
splitting into groups,
2 min – discussing in groups,
3 min – presenting choices)
2)   “Designing a survival plan” problem-solving task.
Group work.

T.: Together with your groupmates, discuss what you will do to survive. You will be rescued only in 10 days. Now that you have four important objects, discuss your further steps. Discuss what steps you should take, what should be done immediately, what could be done a bit later. Speak in terms of the priorities that we discussed after watching the video: safety, water, food and shelter:
Mango Islanders – Food and Rescue Signals
Coconut Islanders – Water and Shelter
Banana Islanders – Fire and Defense
Consider the 5W1H questions – who, when, what, why, where, how. Design a survival plan and create a poster writing down your ideas or drawing pictures.

Students come up with ideas about what steps to take in order to survive. They stick their written ideas to the posters.

      posters,                   
  felt-tip pens,
16 min

(10 min – preparing,
6 min – presenting)
Conclusion/Wrap Up
1)     Peer Assessment.
The teacher has Ss assess each group’s work using a rubric.

Students give smiley faces to the other groups and make comments on their progress according to the rubric.

Criteria and Comments
     There are many original ideas.
     You have explained your ideas clearly.

   The sentences are easy to understand.
     The design is very creative.

Great job! We are proud of the way you worked today.

 :) :) :)
     There are some original ideas.    
     Sometimes, you have explained your ideas clearly.
     Some sentences are not easy to understand.  
   The design is creative.

We like that. You're doing a good job.

:) :)
    There are few original ideas.
     You have not explained your ideas clearly.
     Many sentences are not easy to understand.   
     The design is not creative.

Keep on trying. One more time and you’ll have it.


Banana Island

Mango Island

Coconut Island

 Students share their ideas.

2 min

2)      Feedback.

T.: How can you use all that we did during the lesson in your real lives?
2 min
Home Assignment.
The teacher asks Ss to write a post card to their friends about their experience of being stranded on a desert island and saying what helped them survive.

2 min

6 коментарів:

  1. Я, як глядач, дуже дякую Олені Валеріївні за цікавий та змістовний урок. Я обов'язково потреную 5W1H метод на своїх уроках. Діти також молодці: креативні, активні та "умнічки"��

  2. Fantastic lesson, great students and the best teacher! Thank you for the lesson.

  3. A really great and creative lesson!Good job!
