04 січня, 2016

Teaching Intercultural Communicative Competence

Teacher: Olena Holovach, VolodymyrVolynskyi Gymansium named after O. Tsynkalovskyi

Lesson Topic: Making Friends from All Over the World

Form: 6

Language level: elementary
Lesson Objectives:
1)      Students will list the vocabulary related to people’s character.
2)      Students will describe and compare people from different countries.
3)      Students will act out dialogues “Making Friends at the International Camp”
·         “Enterprise 2 Elementary. Express Publishing”
·         https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bb_GYDaoOeQ Real English 13b - What are the Americans like? Short version
·         https://vimeo.com/89017988 People Of The World - Michael Jackson - (Demo)


Materials/equipment needed
Time needed
(total: 45 mins)
Introduction/Warm up

1)      Motivation.
The teacher informs students of the topic. The teacher puts a picture of the Earth and white paper people standing in a circle around the Earth on the board. The teacher says that after completing each task during the lesson, Ss will color one of the paper people in order to make them colorful and bright.

2)      Warm up.
To encourage the students and prepare them to learn by stimulating their minds, the teacher asks students “How are you feeling today?” The teacher puts a picture describing emotions and feelings on the board so that Ss can use it for answering the question.   In turns, Ss say how they feel and why they feel like that.

Suggested Ss answers:
S1: I’m feeling happy today because it’s winter and I like winter.
S2: I’m feeling surprised because my friend told me a strange story.
S3: I’m frightened because I saw a spider.
S4: I’m angry because my sister took my phone.
S5: I’m in love because I love someone.

When all of the Ss answer the question about their feelings, one of the Ss comes up to the board and colors one of the paper people because one task has been completed.
A picture of the Earth and white paper people standing in a circle around the Earth,

A picture of emotions and feelings

2 min

3 min


1)      Checking homework.
Ss speak about one of the countries they learnt about in previous lessons (Thailand, Norway and Spain). They use the plan which is in their CB p.

Again, one of the Ss comes up to the board and colors one of the paper people.

2)      Presentation of new material.
The teacher has Ss do the viewing task.

Pre-viewing activity:

The teacher asks Ss to generate as many adjectives as possible related to people’s character and to make a list of words. In turns, Ss rush to the board and write the adjectives.

Suggested Ss’ answers:
Brave, imaginative, shy, loyal, mean, serious, sociable, honest, lazy, stubborn, determined, kind, warm-hearted, suspicious, talkative, jealous, etc.

After completing the task, one of the Ss comes up to the board and colors one paper man.

While-viewing activity:

Ss watch a video of what people in the street say about Americans and take short notes on pieces of paper.

Post-viewing activity:

To check the task, the teacher has Ss discuss what Americans are like.

Again, after completing the task, a student comes up to the board to colors one paper man.

“Enterprise 2 Elementary. Express Publishing”

Pictures of Thailand, Norway and Spain


1)      Video
“Real English - What are the Americans like?” Short version With Subtitles
2)      Pieces of paper

7 min

5 min

2 min

3 min
3)      Guided practice. Pair work.

The teacher splits Ss into pairs and asks them to think of qualities and traits Ukrainians have.  After that the teacher interviews the pairs about Ukrainians.

Suggested answers:
T: Hello! What are Ukrainians like?
S1: Some Ukrainians are very friendly but some are really mean.
S2: Ukrainians are helpful and honest. But of course some Ukrainians can be dishonest.

After the interview, one of the Ss comes up to the board and colors one of the paper people.


5 min
4)      Free practice. Group work.

The teacher splits Ss into groups of four. The task for each group is to role-play the following situation:

You are in an international summer camp and this is the first day of the camp.  The campers are from different countries of the world (the countries that we spoke about – the USA, Spain, Ukraine, Norway and Thailand).  Introduce yourself and make friends with the other campers.

Very quickly Ss decide what countries they are from and pin badges with the flag of their country.

Suggested Ss answers:

S1: Hello, everyone! My name is Max. I’m from the USA. What are your names and where are you from?
S2: I’m Artem and I’m from Ukraine.
S3: I’m Tanya and I’m from Norway.
S4: I’m from Spain. My name is Vika. Nice to meet you all. By the way, what are Norwegians like?
S3: Norwegians are very kind and helpful people. They love adventures. What about Spaniards?
S4: The Spanish are passionate and emotional. They are very good-looking, with dark hair and brown eyes., etc.

After completing the task one of the Ss comes up to the board and colors one of the paper people.

Badges with flags
12 min
Wrap up
1)      Summing up activity.
The teacher draws the Ss’ attention to the fact that all the paper people are now colourful and bright and we, too, are all bright and although we differ from each other, we have a lot in common and we should live in harmony, friendship and peace because we share the same planet.

Ss sing “People All over the World” (Michael Jackson)

And what have I learned?
What have I learned?
That people all over the world
People from country to country
Are one and the same in the world
And one song we sing
Life should be in harmony
In this world of self-destruction
Nations lift your voices and sing.

2)      Assessment. Homework.
For Ss’ homework the teacher tells Ss to write a friendly letter to a pen pal introducing themselves and telling them about Ukrainians.

CD, computer
3 min

3 min

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